Thursday, Jan 2, 2025
Major General Joseph Arbuckle
USA (Ret.); Vice Chair, STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services); Co-founder, Flag Officers 4 America
[00:51:46] Joseph Arbuckle: Flag officers for America is just basically a team. It’s not an organization on the volunteer informal leader of that group. And periodically, our little team will put together letters that are addressing issues [00:52:00] that are very, very important to our national defense. And we’ve done six of those in the last four years, and most recently is the one that you commented on about supporting Pete Hegseth for secretary of Defense last month. On the 6th of December, we did a press release announcing that open letter. And to date, there’s 137 retired generals and admirals that have signed that letter supporting Pete. So that’s very significant. And today, as you indicated, I’ll talk [00:52:30] a little bit about what’s in that letter and why we’re supporting Pete. The first point I want to make about Pete, and it’s obvious if you listen to him, is that he’s extremely passionate about our country. He loves our country. He loves our military. And he loves the men and women who serve in uniform, as well as their families who also sacrifice. Add to that all the veterans who have served over the many, many years. So Pete’s all about the military. And he [00:53:00] really proved that in a decision he made after he graduated from Princeton, an Ivy League college. He had a great future ahead of him. He could have made a ton of money in the private sector, but he chose to give that up and instead enlist in the Army National Guard and serve over many, many years. As General Bishop indicated earlier, he was Pete was first at Guantanamo Bay, and then he deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, [00:53:30] where he served as an infantry officer on the ground, engaged in ground combat against terrorists.
[00:53:36] Joseph Arbuckle: And so Pete has that grass roots experience under his belt, which will be extremely valuable as secretary of defense because it’s recent experience. It’s not old experience. And he’s got that tie to the military men and women. Another important point about Pete, and he pledges this all the time is to eradicate diversity, equity and inclusion from our military. And [00:54:00] Pete is an extremely intelligent guy. And on his own, he took it upon himself to study what it’s all about. And he understands the linkage between Dei and critical race theory and how that relates to Marxism. And it’s all about dividing people, putting them into identity groups and pitting them against each other. Well that’s divisive. That’s exactly the opposite of what our military is all about. Pete understands that. He’s lived it as a leader, and that can be exemplified through [00:54:30] something we call the one team, one fight battle motto, where everybody on the team all the way down from the foxhole level to the very top, is dedicated to a mission and a common purpose. One mission, one purpose. And that is that is the focus along with the focus on the team itself. Not any individual or not any identity group based upon something like race or gender or any sexual orientation. [00:55:00] It’s all about the team and team success in fulfilling the mission. And in order to do that, they must have total trust and confidence in each other to be a successful team and be cohesive. And unity is what that means. And diversity, equity and inclusion. Pete, understand tears at the heart and soul of that one team, one fight battle motto.
[00:55:24] Joseph Arbuckle: So that’s his first priority is to get rid of Eradicate Dei from the military. [00:55:30] And that’s a monumental task. He’s up to that task. He understands it like no one else that’s running for that job. He’s also dedicated, Frank to putting our military back on track to focus only on combat readiness actions, to be prepared to fight and win our nation’s wars. That’s why we have a military. And in order to do that, we have to focus on combat readiness and get rid of all these distractions, these social experiments that come with Dei, etc. [00:56:00] So he’s dedicated to do that. Also. He’s talked about lethality, increasing lethality of our military and our armed forces, which is necessary. And finally, Pete has talked about something few people have been talking about recently, and that’s accountability for our actions. Now, throughout my career and when you ran and everybody else, we’ve always associated three things for leaders. One is seeking responsibility and taking responsibility for their actions. And then with that, giving them [00:56:30] the commensurate authority to do the job, to meet those responsibilities and finally holding them accountable for doing the job. Now, that’s been missing to a large degree recently in our military, as evidenced by, for example, the DoD failing seven audits in a row. So that’s his focus. And President Trump has selected Pete. He had a ton of talented people he could choose from, but he wants Pete to go into that capacity as secretary of defense because [00:57:00] he knows Pete will fulfill his mandate to return our military to what it’s all about and get rid of the distractions.