Thursday, Jan 2, 2025
Lieutenant General Rod Bishop
USAF (Ret.); former Air Commander Europe and Third AF Commander; Chairman, STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services)
[00:06:58] Rod Bishop: And just refer your viewers and [00:07:00] listeners to our website. STARRS with two Rs, STARRS.us. There they will find over 2000 different accounts of people just telling us how divisive this ideology it is. Instead, I'd like to concentrate on just three simple things about what used to be known as critical race theory. Got a bad rap now known as diversity, equity and inclusion. Nicer sounding words. And those three things simply are number one, it's rooted in Marxism. You know, when I [00:07:30] tell people that, they just shrug their shoulders sometimes and shake their head, eyes roll and I say, okay, well, if it didn't come from Herbert Marcuse and his fellow Marxists who set up the Marxist school, name changed later to the Frankfurt School at Frankfurt, Germany, and brought that over to Columbia University of all places. Escaping Nazi Germany. And where did it come from? Nobody's ever suggested a different origin. And isn't it ironic when you stop and think that [00:08:00] we as America, spent almost a thousand 100,000 lives fighting this ideology in Korea and Vietnam alone, and spent trillions of our national treasury, and here we are letting it right in the front door. It's just crazy. It is very definitely a domestic enemy that every officer takes an oath to swear and support the Constitution, support and defend the Constitution against. Number two the intent is to divide [00:08:30] and it does so just by splitting people up into little identity groups, mostly on race, sometimes on gender and religion.
[00:08:38] Rod Bishop: Identity politics on steroids. When Air Force Academy cadet called me, called it to me. And number three, as an instrument of division. It's working. Consider if it wasn't being divisive, then why would the corporate world Toyota, Ford, Tractor Supply, Jack Daniels, Coors, Harley-Davidson, John Deere, [00:09:00] Walmart and Boeing all have walked away or scrapped their Dei programs. Recently. 28 states as well have joined in the fray, so to speak, and have either passed legislation or have legislation pending severely curtailing their Dei programs. And tens of universities consider this from the New York Times. Of all sources, the old Gray Lady reports that the University of Michigan's uber-woke program, [00:09:30] the largest DEI bureaucracy of any public university, has not only helped build a culture of grievance, but that has boosted racial tension and deepened division. It has made the entire campus miserable. Need we say more? So where are we? The incoming administration is telling us that, you know, the military is going to be next up for this cleansing. And I can tell you that the star's leadership can suggest [00:10:00] and recommend no one better than Pete Hegseth to take on that mission. He is a warrior himself. He's deployed guarding the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, fighting the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.
[00:10:14] Rod Bishop: And he has such a deep understanding about this. He's written two books battle for the American Mind and The War on Warriors and the STARRS is just so proud of Pete, the work he's done and, in this world, and this, this arena. [00:10:30] And we're also proud to have been associated with him for the last several years, sharing with him some of the just horrible examples and stories that people serving have shared with us that made the War on warrior is such a powerful book. So just as die plunged the knife into the heart and soul of what should be or what is behind the success of every military operation, and that's unity and cohesiveness. Now let's take that knife, cut [00:11:00] out the cancer, and return our military to what it's supposed to be all about. So if we as a nation want to see retention and recruiting disappear, those challenges disappear. Strongly. Star strongly recommends that the United States Senate confirmed Pete as our next secretary of defense. He's the warrior. And we'll watch him return our military to the merit based organization [00:11:30] that it is focused on unity and not divisiveness, focused on readiness and its mission of fighting our nation's wars. Not participating in the social justice wars that have swept our nation.