Thursday, Jan 2, 2025
Colonel Grant Newsham
USMC (Ret.); Former Military Attaché in Embassy Tokyo; former Foreign Service Officer; longtime business executive in the Western Pacific; Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy; Author, “When China Attacks: A Warning to America”
[01:05:43] Grant Newsham: Thanks for having me, Frank. Well, die is ultimately a distraction. It keeps us from winning wars. And it’s worth considering that we’ve had this die dye business for a while now, and you ask yourself, Could America win a war in the Pacific? And I’ll try to be specific [01:06:00] about this. And the short answer is it depends. It used to be no question about it. But now it depends. And if the Chinese communists, the People’s Liberation Army, if they chose their spots, chose their timing, they could probably defeat us. And I would point to the South China Sea. Well, you might say, well, look, we can sail anywhere we want and nobody can do anything about it. But what we’re doing is the equivalent of the NYPD sending a squad car through Times Square. Back in the olden days, before Giuliani [01:06:30] cleaned it up. Yes, that squad car could go in and it would part the human flotsam, the part, the bad guys. But as soon as it went through, the bad guys closed up. And you knew who ran Times Square. That’s the same thing as the South China Sea. And this is a trend, a trend line that has been going on for a long time now. And the US is getting less and less able to win a war and does have a very good chance of losing one if it is fought in the Pacific. Now, the you’ll [01:07:00] hear it said that, well, we have allies and China doesn’t. Well, China actually does have allies. They have Russia and North Korea, Iran, Venezuela. And these are not inconsiderable. But yes, it’s true, we have allies. But once again, you look at this and we have the Japanese who are our best one.
[01:07:17] Grant Newsham: And they’re not quite a war. They are in no way ready to fight a war. You have the Australians who all 50,000 of them, which is not very big. It’s got something like 11 combatants [01:07:30] in its navy. Yes, they’re game, but they are not much of an ally as well, other than psychologically, we think. And the Australian Army is actually pretty woke as well. Now you have the Koreans, they’re focused on Korea. They have problems, many of them driven by the Chinese, Communist and Korean leftists, so wouldn’t count on them. So here we are. Yes, we’ve got a good DIY program in the military, but does it make us more able to fight a war? Well, where’s the and [01:08:00] when? Well, where’s the evidence of that? I don’t see it. We are overstretched. And another point I want to mention is that there’s something called political warfare. And this is really using any and every element of national power up to actual shooting to get your objectives. And the Chinese have been very good at that. So what they’ve done, if you want a couple of examples, is you take the nation of Kiribati, where the Battle of Tarawa was fought in World War two. It’s about 1500 miles from Pearl Harbor. Well, [01:08:30] that government is in bed with the Chinese completely. The Chinese are going to be rebuilding an airfield and old US World War II era airfield, once again 1500 miles from Pearl Harbor. And they have not fired a shot. Solomon Islands, where Guadalcanal was fought. Same thing. You have a government administration, a regime that is pro-China and all of this once again without firing a shot.
[01:08:56] Grant Newsham: And we have not we don’t even have a political warfare scheme. [01:09:00] I had occasion to ask a very, very, very senior US Navy officer about this a couple of months ago, his reply we don’t do political warfare. And then he attacked me for being cynical. His thinking seemed to be somebody else does it. So what I would suggest, and I hope that if Mr. Hegseth is approved, that he takes the resources that go to die and these woke agendas, the social experimentation, and he uses it to make our allies so that they’re actually able [01:09:30] to fight with us and that he also uses it, the people and the money to create a political warfare scheme, a political warfare campaign on if no one else will do it because it doesn’t seem like State Department will have DoD take it. And these are some very useful things that you could do. And the last thing I would point out is that none of this dye is new. And there’s some older gentleman on this broadcast, and they will remember Robert McNamara’s project 100,000 during the Vietnam War. And what that did [01:10:00] to American fighting capabilities basically destroyed it. And that was equity and inclusion on steroids. Now the Marine Corps ended up with something called the Human Relations Program. Well, that was so successful that duty officers had to go around with their 40 fives on half cock because of the drugs, the gangs that this helped to stoke up. So we’ve got a chance now to fix things and let’s see how it goes. Thank you very much, Frank.