Thursday, Jan 2, 2025
Colonel Rob Maness
USAF (Ret.); former Commanding Officer of a bomber squadron; former Vice Commander of America’s largest Airborne Intelligence Wing; former Commander, Kirtland Air Force Base, Senior Fellow, National Institute for Deterrence Studies; 2024 Trump Surrogate; host, “The Rob Maness Show”
[00:19:24] Rob Maness: Thank you. Frank. And I want to thank the Save our America’s military coalition for [00:19:30] having me. And it’s an honor to be among these esteemed professionals and lovers of the United States of America and our military. You know, yesterday’s events do a lot of things, but mostly they highlight what’s known as the Red Green Alliance. And General Bishop talked about the Marxist bent on the dye that is infected our entire United States armed forces and our Department of Defense [00:20:00] and many of our other institutions in the US government, and all the way down to preschool. In many cases here in the civilian institutions in America and the Red green Alliance is the alliance between Marxism and jihadism. And when we see continual use of American soldiers and members of the military that have been able to become indoctrinated in both Marxism and then turn towards [00:20:30] jihadism and actually act on it. And we’ve seen this several times. We should be very concerned. And that’s why it’s I just want to give a call out to the United States Senate that the quickness of the confirmation of Pete Hegseth is paramount at this point. It was important already because of the situation with Di. But it is paramount now because we have to get this man in [00:21:00] office so that his deputies and his assistant secretaries can get in place and get this department cleaned out from this vast infection that, as you can see, goes all the way down to the lowest enlisted ranks.
[00:21:16] Rob Maness: And this Marxist indoctrination when combined with jihadism is not only dangerous internally, but as we saw from yesterday’s events, it’s extremely dangerous to our society. We haven’t [00:21:30] seen that kind of activity from the extremists that Lloyd Austin was looking for or started looking for in 2021, and turned our entire policy internally into, in DoD towards looking for extremists that don’t act on these indoctrinated messages and away from looking for folks that are insiders that could do damage not only to our military installations, but, as you can see, [00:22:00] conduct massive, massive terrorist attacks that could result in the loss of life like we saw in New Orleans, where we’re up to 15 fatalities at this point and over 35 wounded from that one attack. And we’re just very fortunate that the incident that I think is a terrorist attack out in Las Vegas with the Cybertruck at Trump Tower didn’t cause more injury and death than it already [00:22:30] has. There’s a lot of things that still need to be found out about those, but this is a continuous use of American soldiers and military personnel to conduct these types of terrorist attacks. It goes all the way back when you look at the opening night of Iraqi freedom a jihadist Army sergeant killed one of my good friends is one of the first two men that died in Iraqi freedom that night.
[00:22:56] Rob Maness: In the early hours, when you look at the Fort Hood assassin, [00:23:00] jihadi assassin who was an army officer and in the medical field when you look at yesterday in New Orleans in the early hours of 2025 another US Army soldier and then the attack with the Cybertruck that came a few hours later. For goodness sake, it may even be true that this man is a Special Operations Forces soldier on active duty, and that will be a first, as far as I’m aware. Or [00:23:30] a special operations soldier in any of the special operations field has succumbed to this type of indoctrination and this type of turn away from what we stand for in the United States of America of, you know, liberty and freedom and towards this tyranny of Marxism and jihadism combined together. So it’s extremely important that the US Senate get Mr. Hegseth appointed or confirmed as quickly as possible so [00:24:00] that his team can get in place rapidly and dive down deep into this issue and eradicate all of these individuals from the United States armed forces before an even worse attack happens. And believe me, as you know, Frank, I believe that more are coming when it comes to this type of activity. Thank you very much.